Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January = Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

OK so I have once again cleared cabinets & fridge of all the sweets made over the holidays. Seems to have been an annual thing for us. So this year can we do it different? My sister-in-law inspired me to loose 50 before age 50! She is almost there for both, and I must say she looks FAB!

So this blog will be a part of the healthy transformation. Seems like Healthy = no taste, but I know this is not true. . .I have been a fan of the SouthBeach diet & it really opened my eyes to the healthy alternatives. . .now if I can just stick to it! I love bread and seems most diets delete bread. SouthBeach you can have whole grain bread & of course my fav sourdough. It is such a doable life change of eating. . .so here we go with "50 before 50" at least I have a year & a couple months! Maybe I can do 50 before the Hubs turns 50 in May! If you don't set goals, you will never try for them!

I think when you "diet" you deprive yourself & then binge. So healthy eating & getting active needs to be a change in complete lifestyle. I've been very successful with SouthBeach at times, but again it is the "Sticking to it" that I fail at miserably. Going to try it again!!
So, fridge is stalked with celery & veggies, I will be scouring for good healthy recipes. I am pumped! There are so many options now a days with whole wheat pasta & such that you aren't so limited. I will be posting a couple times a week, more if I can, but hopefully I will have a job this month! So, my goal will be twice a week. Thanks for joining me in this journey! 

What are some goals you are setting? (I'm not into resolutions, but I guess that is the same thing LOL!)

Happy Healthy eating!

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